Points Structure:
Clown Head - 2 points.
Clown Arm - 4 points. (If you shoot this, they have a chance of exploding)
Clown Legs - 1 point. (If you shoot this while they are falling from the sky, they will explode).
Umbrella - 3 points. If you shoot this while they are falling, the clowns will fall and die if they are too high.
Clown Skeleton - 1 point. If you shoot this they explode and die.
Pies - 5 points
Shoot as many clowns as you can in this order - Shoot the clown head, arm, their trousers/pants, then shoot their skeletons. Be quick or they will explode.
If they are too far away it is risky as you may not be able to get a good aim. Just shoot them and hope ;)
Try to get all the pies as they are worth a lot of points and will damage you if they hit.
Tip submitted by Athenianreader
Type the word custard while playing to restore your timer.