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Chia Bomber

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Chia Bomber
submitted by gnomefriend

There was an old tank arcade game that this one is taken after.

You have one little good chia and it is your job to shoot the bad chias roaming the board. Advice??

Use the mines. Place them along the outside path along the boarder. I usually keep them along 2 sides and very rarely put them in the middle area. Some of the bad chias will eventually run into these mines and KABLOOOY!

When there are a lot of enemy chias. Work your way from one side to another and shoot along the lanes to hit the chias. Don't get to close to the bad chias cause they will shoot back and don't run into their mines either other wise KABLOOY to you. Also there will be a chia or 2 that have to be hit more then once. The faster you can eliminate some of the bad chias, the easier it is to avoid the other bad chias.

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