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Defender Trainer

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Defender Trainer
Submitted by: khalaria

The key to this game is practice. Begin with the easy level and work up to the hard level.

Easy Level: 4 choices (avg score per round: 30-35)
Medium Level: 6 choices (avg score per round: 45-50)
Hard Level: 9 choices (avg score per round: 60-65)

Starting with round 7 you must choose the longest name from the choices presented. Memorize this list to aid in completing those levels.

  • 11 letters ~ cornupepper, tigersquash
  • 10 letters ~ drackonack, sniddberry, tuskaninny
  • 9 letters ~ elephante, loveberry, meowclops, puppyblew, sardplant, snowbunny, starberry
  • 8 letters ~ asparagus, blumaroo, bomberry, doglefox, kadaotie, scorchio, ummagine, wartroot
  • 7 letters ~ bagguss, cobrall, chokato, cybunny, flotsam, kacheek, peophin, purplum, quiggle, snorkle, triffin, zeenana
  • 6 letters ~ anubis, bearog, chomby, faerie, gelert, grarrl, grundo, harris, jetsam, jubjub, juppie, korbat, kougra, marrow, meepit, meerca, mortog, poogle, shoyru, skeith, spyder, turdle, turnip, turtum, zafara
  • 5 letters ~ acara, babaa, bruce, draik, eyrie, krawk, kyrii, lenny, mynci, nimmo, pteri, slorg, techo, usuki, worcky
  • 4 letters ~ buzz, kiko, lupe, negg, nova, tonu, usul, warf
  • 3 letters ~ ixi, kau, koi, uni

Defender Trainer
Submitted by: arcticmist29

With a payout of 200 to 100, this game is a good source to gain 3000np easily if you just play the game on hard. Always play on hard because it will give you more points and it will become easier the more you play. By playing this game over and over, you will become familiarized with not only the Neopets, Petpets and Items that are used in this game but also what they look like.

The images used in the examples below may have changed or be changed by Neopets in the future.

There are ten levels:
1. Which starts with the letter "_____"? Neopets
2. Which starts with the letter "_____"? Neopet & Petpet
3. Which is an anagram of "_____"? Neopet & Petpet
4. Which is an anagram of "_____"? Item
5. Which starts with the letter "_____"? Neopet & Petpet & Item
6. Which has the longest name? Neopet & Petpet
7. Which has the shortest name? Neopet & Petpet
8. Which ends with the letter "_____"? Neopet & Petpet & Item
9. Which contains the letters "______" and "______"? Neopet & Petpet & Item
10. Which has the most vowels? Neopet & Petpet & Item

There are a few other aspects to this game.
1. Life will be given every 200 points (i.e. 200, 400, 600).

2. Occasionally the target will have changes:
Small: The target will appear smaller.

Upside down: The target will appear upside down.

Black out: The target will be black and only the outline is seen.

3. Moving target appears in the upper left land corner in red lettering. When this happens you need to be a little more careful because the targets will move to the right and the target on that is in the last square of the row will move to the first square of the next row.

4. NOT: The question will sometimes have NOT in red lettering. When this happens you can click on any target except for one, the one that it tells you not to get.


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