A list of what some of the power-ups on Frumball do:
L- slows down your ball, this may be helpful or may just frustrate you
unless you're incredibly accurate
P- speed up your ball, unless you have a slow computer you dont want
this it makes it very hard to control your ball
D- Invisiball this makes the ball really tiny. I aviod this because
I can't see the ball and it also speeds up the ball making things impossible
V- Pant Devil: a pant devil falls from the top of your screen and if
he hits your bat will take away all the np's you have accumulated
H- Huge Chocato: a huge chocato falls from the top of your screen and
if you are able to catch it earns you 1000 points
X- this powerup gains you a life try and get it but it's not worth losing
a life to get it as you get nowhere
3- this will gain you 3 lives. If possible get this as long as you are
positive you can get this before your current ball drops out. Go for
it, the worst you can do is gain 2 lives
W- Warp, you will warp past the current level you are on. If you find
the current level you are on difficult then warp, if not don't bother
as you don't gain np's for the balls left on that level
Z- Warp 3 levels, this is good if you're not very good at current levels
or just want to know what 3 levels up looks like (like normal warp you
do not get the points from the levels)
A- Start level over, if you enjoy the level or don't have a problem
completing it go for it for the extra points, otherwise don't bother
N- Bags of Points, bags of points will fall from the top of the game.
This is good for points but make sure you hit your ball before going
for it as more than one bag will fall and it's not worth dying for.
Also the bags tend to break your concentration, so be careful
M- Multi Ball, this is always a good power up as you can never have
too many balls just make sure you don't die trying for too many
B- Double Ball, this will give you an extra ball which comes in handy
esspecially on levels 7 and up
D- with a white background and purple d, this is a destruction wave
and normally wipes out the entire screen of the balls but you do not
receive the points for this
C- Crazy Ball, this makes the ball unpredictable you are better off
not collecting this powerup
S- Shrink, this will shrink your bat making it incredibly
hard to hit the ball or even try for the ball to go in one direction
Red and Green A- this will turn all balls into one
hits for e.g. level 5 i think it will make the electric blue balls only
need to be hit once instead of twice