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Ice Cream Machine Submitted by: rivi2002hk |
1. The UTTERLY BEST power-up is SLOW-DOWN. Not only reducing the speed of scoops (which goes insane after level 7), but also allow more scoops to pass by before the level finishes, thus earn you more points. 2. SHRINK becomes useful on higher levels. Good thing is that both this and slow-down are culmulative, and they do NOT cancel each other out, so you should collect as much of these two as possible. 3. EXTRA LIFE and SHIELD are good power-ups, but they will cancel the previous two power-ups, so get them before slow-down and shrink. 4. The BONUS POINT SCOOPS (Fish, Apple, etc.) and the BOMB sound attractive, but on higher levels they tend to either distract you or draw you into the trouble of quick-flying scoops, so be careful. 5. As usual, avoid ENLARGE and SPEED-UP. 6. The trick of right-click in the original Ice Cream Factory doesn't work anymore. It just lead you to instant game-over. 7. Last but not least, MOVE! Stop too long may get you trapped into a circle of scoops. |