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Meerca Chase II

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Meerca Chase II
Submitted by: top1214

Type superextrahypergravitymode to unlock said mode. Points are way up there (900 for the fish negg!!)

However, it's a little different than the regular game. I recommend starting by practicing in Freestyle, as themovement is most like that.

The inner black circle=Game Over

I try and stay around towards the outside, and go around in a circle. DO NOT double back, it will get you into restarting more often than not. The good thing is you're not in constant motion; you can inch in on neggs at the edge. However, if you inch in on the second one, the way your tail grows, you die. After you get the negg, you may need to inch over before going into the full circle around again. You just can't let yourself drop back, because the tail kinks in sometimes weird ways.


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