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Usuki Frenzy

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Usuki Frenzy
Submitted by athenianreader

The aim is to pick up 10 Usuki Sets in 5 rooms. To start, pick the small screen and low quality. This helps the game move faster. Try to move the Usuki on a diagonal (for instance left arrow & up) to get her to move a bit quicker.

The items never change so try to familiarize yourself with which items you want. The house is set up like this:

5 4 3
X 1 2

You start in room 1. Get all the items in room 1 then go to the rooms in numerical order. Sometimes I will leave an item in room 1 if it is at the top left hand of the screen. When I am in room 4 I will run down to room 1 to get it.

If you pick up the wrong item, there are drop off points in room 1, 2, and 3.

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