I found these strategies on my travels round Neopia. Thought you may like to try them.
Strong attacking strategy:
This strategy is exactly what the name implies. This deals with having two very strong weapons and trying to inflict the most damage you can in a low number of moves. People who use this strategy do a lot of damage to their opponent but also suffer from huge hp losses not defending themselves. You should have a pet with a high hp and attack to use this strategy. If this strategy is done right, it can be the strongest but also very risky.
Strong defending strategy:
This does the exact opposite of the strong attacking strategy. This deals with using very strong defence items that block many different kinds of attack but still do a little attack. This allows you to not get hurt very easily while slowly waring down his hp. This strategy takes a long time to take out your opponent but is a lot less risky. You should have a high defence to use this strategy.
The average strategy:
This is probably the most used out of all the strategies. This deals with using both very good attack and defence items at the same time. This allows you to defend yourself while still doing a moderate amount of damage. Your pets stats could be anywhere to use this strategy but a high hp is always good. This will take less time to finish off your opponent then the strong defence strategy and is less risky then the strong attacking strategy. Some draw backs to this strategy is that you can still suffer from some hp loss and will take a moderate amount of time to finish off your opponent.
The healing strategy:
In this strategy your main purpose is to heal more hp then the other person can inflict on you. There are three different versions to this strategy which I will tell you in a few lines. You should always have infinite healing items on your pet as well as one time use items that heal on your pet. For this strategy you should have a pet with good hp, defence or attack.
If your pet has a higher attack you should use method one:
(1) Each turn use an infinite healing item as well as your highest attacking item you have. This way very small damage is done to you and you still attack with a good amount of power.
The second method should be used if your pet has a higher defence then attack.
(2) In this method, each turn you use an infinite healing item as well as a item that defends against many different elements while still doing a little damage. In this method your opponent would be very lucky to even hurt you at all but, this method takes a very long time to finish you opponent off. This is also a good method to beat a person that has a lot higher hp then you.
The third method out of the three is a combination of the first two.
(3) You just use an infinite healing item each turn along with either a defence or attacking item. This way you get the best of both methods.
The freezing strategy:
This is probably the most annoying of strategies if you use it the wrong way. You should use this paired up with another strategy for full effect. For this strategy all you need is a freezing item or ability. What you do is when you are low on hp and you can predict which move you are going to die on, two moves before that move, freeze your opponent. When he is frozen heal as much hp as possible. You can also do this when you know that you can knock you opponent out in the next move, you freeze him so he can not heal himself and give him the final hit to finish off the fight. If this strategy is used at the right time, it can do wonders.
The stealing/disabling strategy:
This strategy is very risky to completely rely on so, if you use it, have a back-up plan. This method is to have an item that steals or disables your opponent's weapons. All you do is, if you have an item that steals/disables an item of you opponent, use it and hope it steals/disables a good weapon of his so he can't come back and use it on you. If you manage to steal/disable a good weapon of your opponent, I will guarantee you the battle will be a lot easier. Beware though, this is very risky!!
Cautious attack strategy:
You can think of this strategy as a hybrid of the average strategy and the healing strategy. This deals with having weapons that do a moderate amount of attack and defence. This also deals with using infinite healing items and healing abilities to your advantage. First off use attacking weapons that also defend quite well against at least two different types of attacks. Use these weapons to attack your opponent while still defending your self quite well. This makes for quite a long battle but, it will be much harder for your opponent to take you out. When you are low on hp, get one of your defence weapons that will almost totally block your opponents attack (these weapons are not meant for attacking) and use it along with a infinite healing item and an ability that will heal you some hp back. this way you will not lose as much hp when you are healing. There are many other complex things that go into this strategy also but you could go on forever just learning them. (So this is just the basics)
Some things to think about when putting weapons and abilities on your pet:
What strategy am I using and what kind of weapons do I need for that strategy?
A must for all weapon set-ups is healing items. A good set-up on almost all pets is to put at least one infinite healing item on your pet and put one or two single use healing items on your pet (two would be on the safe side).
What kind of abilities would be good for my needs? What abilities would fit in with my strategy that I am using?