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How to Avoid Scams
submitted by neomomrenee

Never, ever give out your password. Neopets will never ask for it - they already have it! A common scam is the dreaded "fake log-in page." If you're in a shop, and suddenly you appear to be logged out, DO NOT try to log in on the screen that immediately appears. You will almost never be accidentally logged out and taken to a genuine log-in screen. Simply look at the address of the page. If it doesn't begin with www.neopets.com, it's a scam.

Change your password often. Don't make your password something easy to figure out, like "Neopets" or "1234." It's best if your password includes both upper and lower case letters as well as numbers.

Be very careful in the trading post. A number of scammers operate there! One of the more common scams there is to offer something as a "retired hidden tower item" and ask for a huge price when then item is quite common and worth much less. NEVER bid on something in the trading post unless you know what it's really worth. Use the Shop Wizard before you bid.

An excellent site, Avoid Neopets Scammers, has more tips than we can begin to list here.

Refer to the Wall of Shame for more information on scams.

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