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Bilge Dice

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Bilge Dice
Submitted by: acidrakken

In Bilge Dice, you face off against three pirates. Although their descriptions on the front page of this game suggests they have different strategies for playing, this doesn't really enter into it, since you can't see their rolls; you can only see what dice they have decided to keep.

I have a strategy which tends to win me more neopoints than it loses me, even with me winning only every third game on average. It boils down to this. Play first to qualify, then to win. Having a perfect hand 6,6,6,6 is useless if you don't get your qualifier dice.

Four things can happen on the initial throw. The best possible result is that you'll get a 1, a 4, and one or more 6s. In this case, grab the qualifiers and the 6s. Then throw again. The second best is getting your qualifiers, and no 6s. In this case, take the qualifiers and throw again. Third best is getting one or more 6s, and no qualifiers. Take up to two of the 6s, and throw again. You don't want to take any more 6s, even if they are available, since each dice locked in will reduce your chances of getting the qualifier dice. And the worst result is getting no qualifiers, and no 6s. In this case, take the single highest die and throw again.

For second and subsequent throws, take the qualifiers you need, or the best die on the table. If you've already qualified, grab every 6 that comes up.

By the time you've put your third die in, you should have an idea of what your opponents scores are going to look like. Use that information to decide whether to rethrow your last die, or simply take it. For example, if your opponents' scores are 16 (one open), 18(all set), and 17(all set), and your score is 17 with a 4 on the table, you know that you can beat two of the scores with a hand of 21, and you have a 2/3 chance of beating the last one that you're not certain of. If you've got a 5, your odds of winning are even better. The only time you should ever rethrow a 5 on the final throw is if you need a 6 to tie. In fact, I'll often take 3s on the final throw if it's enough to guarantee a win. Nothing worse than re-rolling a 3, only to get a 2 or 1 which causes you to tie or lose the hand.

Betting Strategies

In Bilge Dice, You click over into Free Play mode after winning 5000 neopoints at it. What this means, is that the highest possible daily output is 8990. This however is very rare, since it requires a bonus prize at a particular time. Typical maximum daily output from Bilge Dice is 7990. In order to do this, you must be able to bet 1000 neopoints on a game. The first time I was able to bet 1000 was after my 837th game of Bilge Dice. Then you need to work your score up to 4990, through careful combinations of the smaller bets. Bet 1000 and if you win, you've got 7990 nps for the day.

Bonus win: I'm not sure exactly how this works, as I've only ever gotten two bonus wins in the time I've played the game. When you get a bonus win, you get 1000 nps in addition to whatever your take from the ante was. The only condition I've managed to solidly work out for a bonus win is that you need a perfect hand. That means get 6,6,6,6. It also seems like the last roll you make needs to be multiple 6s. (Both times I've gotten the bonus, I'd rolled two dice and they'd come up 6,6. I'm not sure if this is a hard rule, though.

One final note, because of the page refreshes involved in this game, you'll get a lot of random events. I've gotten a few "neopoints stolen by the ghosts" events, a few "you find 100 np on the ground" events, and my best so far is the "You find a piece of the secret laboratory map".

Ok, have fun, and get bilging!

Bilge Dice
Submitted by: frozenpop2

I *think* the amount you can bet for bildge dice is based on how many plays. If it is, I think it might be 725 total plays before you can bet 1000.


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