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Food Club

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Food Club for Dummies
submitted by leptonychotes

Why do Food Club?

Over me first 30 rounds of doin' Food Club, I bet 95221 NP, me winnin’ total has been 115747 NP, and a total gain of +20526 NP. That's more than winnin' first place on two o' the monthly tournaments. Just thought everyone would like to see the positive outcome of Food Club fer long-term neopoints.

Why should a guild do Food Club?

Why should everyone in a guild participate in Food Club?

Food Club odds change as more and more neopoints are bet across the board. Basically, the odds increase from 3:1 to 4:1 fer just aboot every 100,000 np spread (times the difference in the odds) between the favorite pirate (2:1) and the runner-ups (3:1 - 6:1).

So if the total bet on the 2:1 pirate is 400,000np and the bets on the 3:1 pirate is 200,000np the Neopets team will adjust the odds on the 3:1 runner-up to 4:1. So what do this mean ta ye? It means that the 3:1 opponent still has the same amount o' chance ta win the food club, but the odds change ta represent the difference in pay-in fer the Food Club House.

So if everyone in the guild we're ta bet the 1000np totals I send every day, we could dramatically shift the odds of runner-up pirates. So, if one of the runner-ups wins we, all gain more neopoints per our runner-up bets than we normally would.

This should make sense to anyone that places their bets just after the new gamble starts then learns that a bet has changed.

Food Club for Dummies

FYI the numbers used is equivalent percentages for those who can bet fewer or greater than 1000 neopoints.

Ex.) If your maximum bet could only be 222np, then here's what you can do to maximize your winnings for, say the Lagoon Arena.

Lagoon Arena with 1000 NPs
2:1 bet 649 NP = 1298 NP
9:1 bet 144 NP = 1296 NP
12:1 bet 108 NP = 1296 NP
13:1 bet 99 NP = 1287 NP

Bet 222np for the favorite pirate (has 2:1 listed beside his name):

2:1 bet 222 NP = 444 NP

Now place bets on the others that give you the same total payoff by following this mathematical formula; use the Lost Desert Calculator or your computer calculator to solve for these:

Step 1: Take your maximum bet and divide it by the value shown on the Food Club post, except you move the decimal point of the posted value over three positions to the left, like so.

222np/649np becomes 222np / .639 = 342np

342 NP is the total number of neopoints you will have to invest in food club to bet across the board for this arena. Well we know that 222 NPs of it is placed on the 2:1 shot, now you just have to figure out how to distribute the remainder of your 342NPs.

Step 2: Convert the other bet NP values to decimals by moving the decimal point of the posted values over three positions to the left as before. But instead of dividing by the decimal we multiply to get the following:

2:1 bet 222 NP
9:1 bet 342np*.144 ~ 49 NP
12:1 bet 342np*.108 NP ~ 37 NP
13:1 bet 342np*.099 NP ~ 34 NP

So now you know what you should bet across the board:

2:1 bet 222 NP
9:1 bet 49 NP
12:1 bet 37 NP
13:1 bet 34 NP

Here's a worksheet you can use to help you calculate the bets, if you have Microsoft Excel:

Click here to view the Excel spreadsheet (XLS)

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