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Scratchcard Kiosk

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General Scratch Card Info

submitted by ktknievel

updated by old_red_eyes

The Scratch Card Kiosk can be found in the Ice Caves of Terror Mountain. Each Scratch Card is 600 NP in cost. You can only buy one every 6 hours. The Kiosk takes several breaks a day, and it will be closed for one hour each break. You can not buy or scratch during that time. There are 5 different cards and they are given randomly. I've listed the names and prizes of each card. Be reminded that the card you are given is at random. Don't be surprised if you get the same card every time. The Jackpot is shown in the Scratch screen under your chosen Scratch Card. You can only see the Jackpot if you start scratching a card. You can stop scratching at any time and return to finish later.

With the introduction of the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards this has become a bit confusing, but basically you can scratch a maximum of 5 at each, that doesn't matter how you get hold of them, you are only allowed to scratch 5 at each place in a 24hr time.

You can buy a card from the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards Kiosk every 2hrs, that also means 2hrs wait if you have bought one at the Scratch Card Kiosk. You can buy a card from the Scratch Card Kiosk every 6hrs, that also means 6hrs to wait if you buy one at the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards Kiosk.

Types and Prizes:

Race to Riches - The most common Scratch Card given.
2,500 np
5,000 np
10,000 np
Snowballs (more than 1)
Quiggle Toy

Terror Trove - This is also a pretty common Scratch Card.
Level Up
10,000 np
5,000 np
Quiggle Toy or 2500 np

Faerie's Fortune - The majority of the time this card isn't that lucky, but you can win!
Level Up
10,000 np
5,000 np
Random Artifact

Peak O Plenty - This is a rare card to receive.
50,000 np
Rare Artifact of Terror Mountain
Level Up
10,000 np

Icetravaganza - This is the ONLY card with which you can win the Jackpot. Very rare!!
50,000 np
Rare Artifact of Terror Mountain

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