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Snow Wars

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Snow Wars
submitted by athenianreader

This game is similar to Battleship. You have to find the 7 targets on a board of 48 squares. It costs 100 np to play and there are 10 levels. It is mainly a game of luck.

There are many hints & cheats out there, but I haven't found them to work.

I like to find the big items first (4 squares). To do this, I click on every 3rd x until I get a piece of a target.

After I find the largest ones, I then work on finding the medium sized targets (2 squares). I click on every other x until I find them.

Finally I hunt & peck & hope to find the 2 smallest targets (1 square each).

I have slow connection & computer so I like to click on 3 or 4 x's at a time when I am looking for the large & medium targets.

No neopoints are awarded in this game. Instead there are snowballs awarded after winning each level. Also, trophy's are awarded after winning the correct number of levels.

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