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Mystery Island

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Mystery Island
originally submitted by neomomrenee
updated by katiekittykatt

Mystery Island is the site of the Cooking Pot, the Tombola, Kitchen Quests, the Training School and The Trading Post as well as various games and shops. It also has a market place where you can choose to locate your shop, rather than the main marketplace. All of these, except the Trading Post have been discussed on other pages in Hints and Tips.

How to use the Trading Post
submitted by neomomrenee

1. Go to your items and click on the blue link "Trading" above your items, or go via the link on Mystery Island.
2. Select "Browse Lots"
3. Drop down the list and select the appropriate way you wish to search depending on what you are looking for. If you are generally browsing for bargains, select 'newest 20' from above the drop down menu.
4. Click "find those trades!"
5. When you see something you want and click "make an offer!"
6. Click on the box for the item you want to offer -- it must be in your inventory, not in your safe deposit box or shop.
7. Click on "make an offer!"
8. Wait until your offer is accepted. You'll get a message at the top of your screen. 9. Once your offer is accepted, it takes anywhere from 1 minute to 1 hour for neopets to settle the trade.

There are sometimes glitches in the Trading Post and items disappear. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it is unlikely you will get the item back when you report it to Neopets.

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