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Caption Contest

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Caption Contest
submitted by katiekittykatt

Keep an eye on the Neopian News for new contests and enter them as quickly as you can. It is hard to get a successful entry, but if you succeed, then this is where the hard work starts.

To actually win in the competition, it depends on how many votes you get. The 10 with the highest votes are the winners.

As far as I am aware, Neopets doesn't tell you if you have a successful entry, so you need to keep an eye on the entries to see if yours is there. The quicker you entered the contest, the more time it will have on the votes page before the end of the contest.

If it is successful, then it's time to enlist the help of your Guild mates. You (and they) can vote once every 4 hours and to achieve a place in the top 10, you will need as many votes as you can get, so don't be afraid to promote your cause on the message board. Why not tag a line onto the end of your messages asking people to vote?

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