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The Castle of Eliv Thade

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The Castle of Eliv Thade
submitted by dragon_phoenix

Use an anagram solver - http://www.ssynth.co.uk/~gay/anagram.html
Set any anagram unscrambler to solve for one word answers. Also, be aware that the game uses 'neopian' words like Slorg that any normal dictionary won't recognise. In cases like that set the scrambler to look for 3/4 letter anagrams to search for familiar patterns. To get a big score you can go back and forth 3 spaces forever instead of heading back to the crypt. Be aware some words like 'grounds' are anagrams for neopian 'grundos'. The scrambler may give grounds but grundos is the answer - that caught me out.

Alternate link submitted by rattify:
Scrabble WordBuilder http://www.hasbroscrabble.com/home.cfm

The Castle of Eliv Thade
submitted by khalaria

Sometimes using an anagram solver isn't enough. Many of the words in The Castle of Eliv Thade are from the neopets website and therefore aren't found in any dictionary. Also, sometimes there are multiple possiblities for a set of letters. Notice that when you miss a word, the correct answer is briefly displayed... Here is a list of some of those words to refer back to when stuck. Please send in any words you have found to be stumpers!

7 letters:
*the brackets contain the incorrect choices for a letter combination

aligned (dealing, leading)
aspires (paresis, parises, praises, spireas)

averse (reaves)
bundler (blunder)
citrons (cistron, cortins)

cronies (coiners, orceins, recoins)
deanery (yearned, yearend)
deigned (deeding)

drapers (sparred)
fighter (freight, refight)
flowing (fowling, wolfing)
harpies (sharpie)
icecaps (ipecacs)
iffiest (fifties)
inmates (etamins, tameins)

leafier (filaree)
leaned (aneled, leaden)
marbles (amblers, blamers
, lambers, rambles)
myrtle (termly)
parsed (drapes, padres, rasped, spader, spared, spread)
pigskins (spiking)
pursier (upriser)
rambled (marbled)
reality (irately, tearily)
resifts (sifters, strifes)
retinue (reunite, uterine)
tapers (paster, paters, prates, repast, trapes)
tensors (nestors, stoners)
tinsels (enlists, listens, silents)
trireme (miterer)
upstart (startup)
warbles (bawlers)

***special thanx to dragon_phoenix and happygilmorelpn for help updating this list!

The Castle of Eliv Thade
submitted by p00k1ebear


This is a great compliation to use geared towards eliv thade players. At the end is a Neopets "dictionary" that includes neo-words that are sometimes thrown into the game like "shoyru". Use this in conjunction with Andy's help (link in musky_dragon's hint) and you can't go wrong. (well... usually.) Also, don't just choose any match, choose the words that you have heard of before and that are more common.


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