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submitted by comet_steve

Objective: To get rid of all the blocks

How to achieve: When you have two or more of the same coloured blocks, you click once to highlight it and again to blow it up. The more you blow up at one time the more points you get. There are a certain amount of points you have to reach before you can move up a level: 125 to go to 2nd level, 375 to go to 3rd level and 700 to get to the final level.

Now, you see all those bricks the same colour just crying out to be blown up, you know you want to do it, BUT WAIT!! Look above, always check above to see what effect blowing them up will be, there's nothing worse than have a top line all the same colour, then you blow up the stuff at the bottom and then find all the bricks zig zagged all over the place, so my only hint for this game is, TAKE IT SLOW.

Daily limit: 3 Games

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