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Plushie Tycoon

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Plushie Tycoon
Submitted by: dragon_phoenix

Plushie Tycoon - the quick and easy guide to winning.

Treat the game as turn based with eight turns a day occurring at 10.01am, 11.01am, 12.01pm, 13.01pm, 14.01pm, 15.01pm, 16.01pm and 17.01pm. plushie time. This is based on Neo Standard Time - if this time means you can't get to your account for some turns daily then use it or change it to a time to suit you but you need to have access to several turns a day! All actions ONLY occur at those times above - no plushies are made or sold at any other time.

Day 1
Create Store
Your Factory - pay rent
Your Warehouse - pay rent - expand immediately to level 9!
**** note: the game has been changed. DO NOT upgrade to level 9. More tips regarding this change coming soon!
Your Shop - pay rent

Purchase raw goods - look at gem price - ignore all others - if the gem price is below 2k then move to next section - if it isn't then wait till next turn. If you don't get cheap gems during your day's turns then restart your account the next day.

Once you have cheap gems all the other raw materials are cheaper too.

Purchase 8 gems koi, draik, kau, moehog are good plushies to make
Purchase 8 stuffing - neocotton
Purchase 8 packing - velvet bags
Purchase 24 green cloth

Move to factory - start job. Choose the plushie you bought the gems for. Click on each box - cloth, stuffing, packing and gems. Click start job and choose 100 of the plushie to make. Do this 8 times to create 8 by 100 lots. You will need to expand your factory at the 3rd, 5th and 7th jobs Click existing jobs to see a list of what your factory is going to make.

Click personnel. If you are making 800 I suggest ¼ trainees needed with 1/10 managers. So hire 800/4 = 200 trainees and 1/10 trainees = 20 managers. So your personnel should read 200 trainees and 20 managers - if it doesn't hire or fire the staff till it does.

Wait till your first update. It will happen at ??.01 depending on when you started. Your plushies get made and moved to warehouse. As soon as this happens fire your staff! Factory - personnel - fire all staff. Then move to warehouse. You will see your jobs loading. Since your warehouse is level 9 it will take around 20 minutes to load starting from the moment you first look at the jobs in the warehouse! In 20 minutes check back and ship your plushies.

Go to your store. You now have to look at what nps you have left. You need around 1000np to pay for your manager you will always have working for you while you wait for your plushies to sell. Once your plushies are in the store that will be your only expense. Leaving 1000np click advertisements and you will see Flyers to Neopian times ads. The more expensive ones you have the more plushies you sell. Maximise the first 3 then you have the choice of upgrades to your shop and ads. Spend what you can to upgrade them. It depends on how many nps you have left.

It will probably take a full day to sell your plushies. You only get the nps from your sales once a FULL lot of 100 plushies has sold. If you have 99 out of 100 sold you get no nps! If you go into the red np-wise at any point you lose! Don't forget to fire your staff and always leave some nps to pay for your manager!

Once you have your nps then make more plushies by purchasing more raw materials. I would purchase another 8 of each. You always have jobs unsold in your factory so don't worry about it. If you make another 8 lots you will need to expand your factory and that is the key. Making lots of jobs at a time. You want to have a maximum size factory. You do not need to expand your store at all. Whatever the size the store is it will sell at the same rate. You can't upgrade though if you have too much inventory so I leave upgrades until most or all plushies are sold.

Just keep an eye on the price of gems - if they are too high - leave it. Always the next turn or next day. Once you start making lots of plushies with your expanded factory the game becomes easy. The hardest part is the start-up.

Hope this helps. If not there are a few PT addicts in the guild who will be only too glad to help!

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