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Random Events
submitted by katiekittykatt

As you wander Neopia, you'll occasionally come across random events, some good, some bad, some informatory, some meaningless but amusing. The better the random event, the rarer unfortunately lol.

They can be divided into 3 categories:

Something has Happened

Tyrannian Random Events

Winter Random Events

There are many random events that we don't have on this page. Some new ones are now at the message board in the Group Hug. I doubt that we have managed to show all the random events on this page, so if you come across one that isn't here, please take a screen print/or save the html for the event by viewing the source for the page and copying the part that contains the html for the event and post it over at the group hug.

If we have described an event incorrectly, please let us know.

Something has happened!
A torrent of multi-coloured water falls from the sky and DRENCHES your_pet_name_here!!! You hear evil cackling from the sky...

Something Has Happened!

Something has happened!
Oh no! Boochi fires his ray gun and turns your_pet_name_here into a Baby!!!

(Great if you like baby pets ~ guaranteed to make you growl if you just spent loads on a Darigan PB though!)(**Update from Coffcat: some have claimed that Boochie can also change your pet into something other than baby. If something like that happens, please let us know so we can update it!)

Something has happened!
Boochi fires his ray gun at your_pet_name_here, but thankfully he misses!

Something has happened!
A mysterious man gives you a lottery ticket. Why not click here to play!

Something has happened!
your_pet_name_here has suddenly gained a level!!!

Something has happened!
your_pet_name_here has got stronger!!!

Something has happened!
Your pet has found a captured faerie!!!

(This applies to all the bottled faeries)

Something has happened!
your_pet_name_here says 'Can we play hide and seek?!'

Something has happened!
your_pet_name_here says 'Im starving'

(This is random, so your pet may not actually need feeding.)

Something has happened!
your_pet_name_here says 'You will buy me lots of presents from the Grooming Parlour wont you?'

Something has happened!
A blumaroo bounces past and says 'Never ever give out your password!'

Something has happened!
You find a Acara Rainbow Lollypop on the floor!

(This is random, so the food you receive will vary.)

Something has happened!
your_pet_name_here has suddenly come down with a bad case of 'Watery Eyes'!!!

(This is random, so the disease given will vary.)

Something has happened!
An ugly bug sits here eating a Scabu. He says 'Im going to eat all your Neopets food when you arent looking!!!'

Something has happened!
The Bug Brothers jump up and steal 38 Neopoints!!

(This is random, so the amount will vary.)

Something has happened!
For a lost tooth, the tooth faerie gives you 224 Neopoints!!!

(This is random, so the amount will vary.)

Something has happened!
A passing zombie groans, and hands you a piece of a long lost treasure map!!

(This is random, so the actual map piece will vary.)

Something has happened!
You find a piece of the secret laboratory map!

(This is random, so the actual map piece will vary.)

Something has happened!
A green scorchio flies past and says 'Hope you are having fun!'

Something has happened!
A pink poogle hops past and says 'Hi!'

Something has happened!
A beautiful Fire Faerie floats down and gives you a Cloud Petpet Paint Brush!!!

(This is random, so the pb will vary.)

Something has happened!
Jacko the Phantom Painter gives you a Grey Petpet Paint Brush!!!'

(This is random, so the pb will vary.)

Something has happened!
Hubrid Nox stares at you, and his eyes glow. All your Neopets have come down with a bad case of NeoBlues'!!!

(This is random, so the disease given will vary.)

Something has happened!
The Lava Ghoul floats on this page and looks at you menacingly! I think you were lucky this time...

Something has happened!
You find a mystical codestone on the floor!

(This is random, so the codestone will vary.)

Something has happened!
You hear mysterious chanting coming from far away!

Something has happened!
A dragon flies past overhead, he is headed to the Mystery Island.

Something has happened!
your_pet_name_here says 'Protect me from the evil Swamp Ghoul, please!'

Something has happened!
A slimy scamander slithers over this page and hisses at you!

Something has happened!
A Blue Shoyru zooms down from the sky and whizzes past your head!

Something has happened!
The Grundo Leader attacks!!! He steals 'Chocolate Faerie Cake'

(This is random, so it depends on what items are in your inventory. Keep it empty where you can!)

Something has happened!

Something has happened!
The Ghost Lupe growls 'Begone! Leave this page!'

Something has happened!
The Ghost Lupe growls 'Did you know that Mystery Island is haunted?'

Something has happened!
The Ghost Lupe growls 'Oh an Aisha... that would be great for a mid morning snack'

Something has happened!
The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!

Something has happened!
A Ghost takes 95 Neopoints from you and puts it on the money tree!

(This is random, so the amount will vary.)

Something has happened!
A Ghost cackles insanely and steals 95 Neopoints from you...

(This is random, so the amount will vary.)

Something has happened!
The Pant Devil appears and steals your 'Lime Jelly'

(This is random, so it depends on what items are in your inventory. Keep it empty where you can!)

Something has happened!
Adee the Chia says 'Have you seen the cool World Events??'

Something has happened!
Adee the Chia says 'You can now get a NeoBadge for your web site!'

Something has happened!
Adee the Chia says 'Did you know you can send neopets to friends?? Fill in a simple form here'

Something has happened!
Adee the Chia says 'Did you know you can send postcards to friends?? Check them out by clicking here'

Something has happened!
Some messy person has spilled 10 Neopoints on the floor on this page. You hastily pick them up!

(This is random, so the amount will vary.)

Something has happened!
Congratulations, your_name_here, you just found 100 Neopoints on the floor!

(This is random, so the amount will vary.)

Something has happened!
your_pet_name_here says 'You're the best :)'

Something has happened!
Your neopets stomach is rumbling.... I think they would like a Two Bottles of Water! You better buy one for them :)

(Even if they are hungry, you can feed them what you like, not the random item shown when this one pops up).

Something has happened!
An Alien Aisha gives you a Basic Golden Nerkmid!!!

(This is random, so the nerkmid given will vary.)

Something has happened!
Nigel the Stockbroker Chia says 'Have you considered investing in CYBU (Cybun Electromatics)??'

(See coffcat's stockmarket tip before making investments. This is random, so the stock will vary.)

Something has happened!
your_pet_name_here says 'I think its time you fed me!!!'

(This is random, so your pet may not be hungry.)

Something has happened!
your_pet_name_here says 'Im scared, there are so many horrible monsters out there'

Something has happened!
A Ghostkerchief goes up to your_pet_name_here and gives them a big hug. Looks like you have found a new friend!

Something has happened!
A huge spider crawls all over the page...

Something has happened!
Peophey appears and gives you a Roo Island Crystal!

Something has happened!
The Easter Cybunny gives you an easter Negg!! Cool!

Something has happened!
An Old Wizard appears and gives you a Earth Potion!

Something has happened!
An Old Wizard appears and gives you a Fire Potion!

Something has happened!
Commando Jub appears and gives you a Plains Arrow!

(This is random, so the arrow given will vary.)

Something has happened!
The Monocerous growls 'Over the last month I have eaten 38 Wockys'

Something has happened!
A robot flies past you on fire! Help! Help! Dr. Sloth is after me!

Something has happened!
Vira laughs maniacally at you... 'Fancy a fight in the Battledome?'

Tyrannian Random Events!

Tyrannian Random Event!!!
A group of excited fans rush past you shouting 'Chomby and the Fungus Balls' are playing tonight!!!

(This is random, so the band will vary.)

Tyrannian Random Event!!!
Grarrg the Battle Master stomps past you, muttering something about war

Tyrannian Random Event!!!
Grarrg the Battle Master stomps in and says 'You look like you could help us in our army! I have upgraded your rank!'

Tyrannian Random Event!!!
JarbJarb says 'Ugga ugg Tyranu Evavu'

(This is random, so the Tyranu Evavu character will vary.)

Tyrannian Random Event!!!
A fungus ball is sitting on this page... and it EXPLODES!. You get confused and drop 67 Neopoints :(

(This is random, so the amount will vary.)

Tyrannian Random Event!!!
Plesio says 'Fancy spinning the Wheel of Mediocrity?'

Tyrannian Random Event!!!
You find a piece of tasty Omelette lying on the floor!

Winter Random Events

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'Hey, did you know its Donna's Birthday on the 10th December! :)'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'It's toasty warm in this coat!'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'All my sisters hate the Ice World, they say it's too cold. I love it here.'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'Have you looked at the Advent Calendar lately?'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'I wish I could play Snow Wars as well as you :('

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'I hope your pets wrap up warm'

Winter Random Event!!!
The Snow Faerie says 'Brrr... im glad I have this warm coat on!'

Winter Random Event!!!
You have stumbled upon the great Ice Treasure of 500 Neopoints!!!

(This is random, so the amount will vary.)

Winter Random Event!!!
The ice devil attacks!!! He steals 'Bacon and Broccoli Omelette'

(This is random, so it depends on what items are in your inventory. Keep it empty where you can!)

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'I used to be a game show host once :('

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'Who is throwing snowballs at me?!?!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'You must be freezing!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'Brrr! Im freezing! Im going home!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'Tally ho!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'Hi there!'

Winter Random Event!!!
A passing Bruce says 'The Ice Caves are great... but watch out for the Frost Beast!'

Winter Random Event!!!
SNOWBALL ATTACK! - your_pet_name_here gets hit by a snowball from above and takes 1 damage!

(This is random, so the amount will vary.)

Winter Random Event!!!
Somebody from high up throws a Wet Snowball at you! You pick it up!

(This is random, so the type of snowball will vary.)

Winter Random Event!!!
You pick an Ice Negg from a nearby bush

(This is random, so the type of ice negg will vary.)

Winter Random Event!!!
Wow! You have found a Christmas Paint Brush!

Winter Random Event!!!
A gust of icy cold wind blows past you, chilling you to the bone.

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