For those who are interested the Stock Market can be a good (and easy) way to make neopoints. There's a few things you will want to know first, but the stock market is fairly easy to understand and I'm sure you'll be buying and selling in no time.
There's two things you always want to be aware of when investing in the stock market. I will go into detail about each.
1. Buy Low, Sell High
This is an easy enough statement for most to understand. You're investing in the market to MAKE money not lose it. If you sell your stocks at a price lower than what you bought it for, you will not only lose the money that you originally invested, but you'll also be paying a commission (usually a small amount) on top of that. The market rises and falls just like the real stock market, so its always just a matter of time when you can sell and make a profit.
2. Long Term Investment
The stock market is not a get rich quick activity. You will be investing your money and waiting days, weeks, or even months to make a profit. Don't expect to throw a couple of hundred in the market and make thousands in days. The market takes patience. If you know that you will need the money you plan to spend on stocks within a short period of time, do not expect to be able to sell it right away and make a profit. Think of it as putting your money in the bank and making interest off of it. When you do see that your stocks are doing well, then by all means sell.
On top of these two tips, there are a few other things that will help you become a market wiz.
-Stocks can only be purchased if they are priced at 15nps or more. Any stock under 15nps, you cannot buy until the price rises again.
-Stocks can be sold at any price. Whether they are valued at 8nps or 80nps each.
-You can only buy 1,000 shares a day. You don't have to buy all one type of stock, you can divide your money among several funds.
-You can sell as many stocks as you wish in a day. There is no limit.
-Prices of the stocks rise and fall throughout the day. Periodically check your stocks to see how they are faring. Stock prices change every 30 minutes.
-Do your research, there are many good sites out there that keep track of the market on a daily basis. One of these sites is There you can find in-depth information on all stock and market history. These sites are especially valuable for checking to see if a certain stock has a history of high (or low) profits.
-Never listen to the tips from Nigel (the Commodity Broker Chia). His tips are totally random and are not guaranteed to earn you anything.
-Never believe people who say that if everyone buys XXX stock that the price will be driven up and everyone will make money. The market is NOT driven by stocks being either bought or sold. The rise and fall of prices is preset by computer programs and therefore cannot be influenced by buying or selling your stock.
-Make goals, set limits as to how high you want the stock to be before you sell. That way you can avoid the "stock jitters" that some people get when they see their stock rising and can't make up their minds whether to wait or sell. Hasty decisions in the market can backfire on you.
If your still a little nervous about investing, find a market buddy who has experience in investing. Have them tell you what they invested in and why. After a few days you'll grasp how the market works and will be investing on your own.
See you at the Stock Market!!