Training is very important, especially for those who's pets are just starting out in the battledome. There are quite a few ways to train your pet. In the following I'll describe the ways and list most of their pros and cons.
Training School
Location: Mystery Island
Payment type: One codestone (have to be bought at shops or found by random events)
Time: 2 hours per course
Levels given: Usually 1 point. Occasionally will give a level up bonus of 2 or 3 additional points.
To train at the Training School you will have to first select the pet you want to train and then select the course you want your pet to take. Once you hit the button “start course” you will be redirected to the status page where the codestone you need will be listed. Find the stone that you need and put it in your items. Then return to the status page and click on the here button to pay. The course will take two hours after which you can return to the status page and click on the “Finish course” button to end the training.
Swashbuckling Academy
Location: Krawk Island
Payment type:
For level 10 and under: One dubloon coin (have to be bought in shops or found by random events)
For level 20 and under: Two dubloon coin (have to be bought in shops or found by random events)
For level 10 and under: Four hours
For level 20 and under: Six hours
Levels given: Usually 1 point. Occasionally will give a level up bonus of 2 or 3 additional points.
Setting up courses at the Swashbuckling Academy is basically the same as the Training School. The only difference is that it requires dubloons and takes longer to finish the course. One benefit for training at the Academy is that it costs less for pets 20 and under to train than at the Training School. One thing you need to know about dubloons is that you will need the dubloon they list. If it asks for a two dubloon coin, you will need exactly that. They will not accept two one dubloon coins. The same goes the other way, you cannot pay for a one dubloon course with a two dubloon coin.
Special Notes:
1.You can only train at one school at a time. If you select a course at either of the schools you must finish that course before you can begin another.
2.Don't forget that on species days, you can take any pet of that species and get free training at the Swashbuckling Academy. You select a course as usual and your course will be free! You can start training at 12am neopian time and keep going until 12am the next day.
3.One thing to remember is, you can not increase your pets stats any higher than 2 times your level. To increase them you will have to also keep studying level. Example: Your pet is a level 3, you will not be able to increase strength, defense, movement, or hitpoints above 6 until you train your pet to level 4. Then you will be able to increase them to 8.
Faerie Quests
Random events for faerie quests will occasionally pop up throughout your adventures in neopia. There are seven different types of faerie quests and I'll describe to you what they may ask for and what you will get in return for completing them.
Fire Faerie
What she wants: clothes
What she will give: increase in strength
Light Faerie
What she wants: trading cards
What she will give: increase in level
Earth Faerie
What she wants: magic items
What she will give: she will make your pet bloated
((never do earth faerie quests they are too expensive just to feed your pet))
Air Faerie
What she wants: Beauty items
What she will give: increase in movement
Dark Faerie
What she wants: Toys
What she will give: increase in hitpoints
Water Faerie
What she wants: Books
What she will give: increase in defense
Faerie Queen
What she wants: Miscellaneous items.
What she will give: Several increases in more than one stat
((always try to do the Faerie Queen's quests, they will always be worth the money for the item she wants.))
Fountain Faerie
What she wants:
What she will give: Access to the Rainbow Fountain to paint your active pet in any of the available colours for that species.
Space Faerie
What she wants:
What she will give:
Special Notes:
When you are on a quest you will not be able to do any searches on the search wizard. If you try to, the faerie will be there to remind you that you cannot do any searches until the quest is finished. Once you get the item they want, you can go to the Faerie Quest Shop in Faerie City and give the item to them. After which you can begin using your shop wizard again. Since you cannot do any searches the best way to locate the item(s) you need is to post them on the message board and your other guild members can help you locate them by searching for you. If there is no one on the boards who can help, you can always try the Quest section in the Neopets Chat room. There are usually people there helping out people who have quests. Sometimes out of the goodness of their heart a person will just give the item you need to you. Even though this isn't a requirement, it is usually the nice thing to do is give an item back to the person who did you the favor. It cost them money to give you the item, you should show your appreciation.
If for whatever reason you cannot complete the quest that the Faerie has given you, you can always refuse to do the quest. Just go to the Faerie Quest Shop in the Faerie City to cancel the quest. You will be banned from any random Faerie Quests for a couple of minutes after which you must return to the Faerie Quest Shop to have the random events begin again.
The quests are not timed. You can bring the items to the faeries whenever it is convenient to you. Just remember, you cannot do any searches on the wizard until you've either completed or refused the quest.
Kitchen Quests
Location: Mystery Island
What is requested: Food items
What is given: Items, food, money, weapons, level or stat increases.
Time Limit: Two hours, after which you can try another one.
With kitchen quests you basically take a chance and hope you get something good. Be careful that you do not spend too much money on the items requested, since you never know what you may get in return. When you get levels up from the kitchen quest, it will appoint the points randomly among your pets, you cannot pick the pet that gets them.
Special Note:
Most people feel that the quests are worth doing if the items are worth 2,000 np or less. More than that and you take the chance of getting ripped off. Some others feel that as long as the quest costs less than what it would cost to train your pet for a level up it is worthwhile. It's your choice.
Lab Ray
Location: Puzzle Games Section
Cost: Depends on price paid for pieces. Can run in the 200ks during wars.
Basically the lab ray is a treasure map. In order to get to the lab ray you must collect all six pieces of the puzzle. To get the pieces you must either buy them in people's shops or get them through random events. Once you have all six pieces you can then take them to the Treasure Map section on the puzzle games page. Go to the laboratory section and from there you can visit the lab ray.
Special Notes:
1. You can only visit the lab ray once a day.
2.The lab ray can change many things. It can paint it a different color, change its specie, raise/lower levels or stats, or change its gender.
3.The lab ray tends to favor raising strength, defense and movement over levels. One common trait of most “lab rats” is high stats and low levels.
4.The lab ray is totally random! Don't use it on a pet that you want to keep a certain specie or color.
5.The lab ray is the only way you can make your pet a robot. These pets are very rare.
6.One good way to keep track of what the lab ray has done to your pet is by using the diary in your neomail section.
7.The lab ray cannot be moved once you take the pieces to the laboratory. You cannot move it to another account nor can you sell the pieces.
Coltzan's Shrine
Location: Lost Desert
What you can get: Raise in stats, food, dubloons, or healing
At certain times of the day if you visit the shrine you can occasionally receive an increase in stats or levels.
Special Notes:
1.The shrine can only be visited once a day. After that if you go back, you will not receive anything.
2.Many have mentioned that once their pet reached a high level, they no longer receive level ups.
Neggs are a very fast way to raise your pets stats. Unfortunately, they are very, very expensive.
Negg types:
Faerie Queen Negg: Raises hitpoints by 1
Radioactive Negg: Raises random ability
Silver Knight Negg: Raises defense by 1
Power Negg: Raises strength by 1
Plaid Negg: Raises random ability and changes your pets color to red, blue, green or yellow.
Snegg: Raises hitpoints 1-3 points and movement 1
Spiked Negg: Raises hitpoints 2-6 points
Super Negg: Raises level 1, movement 1, and hitpoints 1-3 points
Cool Negg: Raises level 1 point, strength 2-4 points, defense 1 point, and movement 1
Random Events
If you are very lucky you can receive a random event that will raise either a pet's level or stat.
Scratch Cards
Everyone knows about the scratchcards you get from the Kiosk Wocky. But did you know that you can also level your pets up by scratching the cards? I will list the cards below that you can receive levels up from.
Terror Trove Scratch Card
Faeries Fortune Scratch Card
Peak O Plenty Scratch Card
Some mushrooms, like neggs, can raise your pets levels. But like neggs, they tend to be very expensive.
Level Up Shroom: Raises pets level by 1
Mega Power Plusshroom: Raises strength by 1, level by 1
Strength Shroom: Raises strength by 1-3 points
Super Fast Shroom: Raises movement by 1
Dice A Roo
You can receive on the game Dice A Roo levels up as a prize.