These pages are a compilation of Neopets advice and information from our own members. If you have any new information to submit, or anything that you think should be updated, please neomail Database Editing Office @ over18laughs.
(Navigation/Updates Hint: To try to avoid editing work when updates are necessary, tips are usually only in one place. For example if a game tip is submitted that could fit equally well under games or on a world page, you will find it on the games page only as this is first in the list. Most pages have navigation links on them to help you around the pages, although some links are to other parts of the Database and occassionally to other comprehensive hints/tips sites on the net and these do not have links back to our Hints and Tips. Information that is likely to require regular updates, such as the one player battledome opponents will have a 'last updated' date added in future.) |
Please note that a number of links in the Hints & Tips section are to various parts of the Neopets site. You must be signed in as a Neopets user to view these. Depending upon your browser security settings, you may see a "sign-in" page when you click the Neopets links on these pages, even if you are properly signed into Neopets. This is especially confusing because the Guild Database uses frames - meaning that the URL of the page you're directed to won't show. You can easily find the URL of any page in a frame environment simply by right-clicking on the page and selecting "Properties." NEVER ever sign in on a page unless the URL of that page begins with If this happens, try closing all open browser windows except this one.
Contents |
General Basic Tips for Getting Started NeoHomes Your Shop Bank / Safety Deposit Tips How To Avoid Scams Free Stuff Sick Pet Help The Stockmarket Pet Mood Improvement Random Events Multiple Accounts Avatars Shop Wiz Tips ***NEW*** Concert Hall Schedule
Cooking Pot Recipes
Basic Battledome tips to get started Explore Neopia (Games tips are on the Games pages, not on the Explore Neopia pages, except where the game does not appear in the Neopets games pages listings). Worlds
Faerieland Mini-Worlds